Today I’m going to show you how to make a basic express server application.
For this to work, both node and npm must be installed on your machine.
Now, lets begin.
1) Open your terminal. Now create a new project folder and cd into it.
/ > mkdir folder-name && cd folder-name
2) Create a package.json file with the defalt settings using npm.
/folder-name > npm init
3) Install express along with all other node modules.
/folder-name > npm install express -S
4) Create an index.js file in your project folder. Notice that this corresponds to the “main” value in your package.json file.
/folder-name > touch index.js
5) Open your app.js file in a text editor. On the first line of the file, you’re going to need to bring in the express module.
const express = require('express');
6) Create the app itself.
const app = express();
7) Next, specify the port you would like your app to run on.
const port = 3000;
8) Now, you are going to set up your app to handle a basic GET request to your app.
app.get("/", function(request, response, next) {
response.send("This is an app running on an express server.");
9) Tell your app to listen on the port you specified.
10) Finally, go back to your terminal and start up your app!
/folder-name > nodemon
11) Test that your app is running. Open a browser and go to (make a GET request to) http://localhost:3000. In your browser window you should see the response: This is an app running on an express server.
Congrats you have now setup a basic express server application.
Here are ALL of the commands in order.
In your terminal:
/ > mkdir folder-name && cd folder-name
/folder-name > npm init
/folder-name > npm install express -S
/folder-name > touch index.js
#### In your index.js:
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const port = 3000;
app.get("/", function(request, response, next) {
response.send("This is an app running on an express server."); });
#### Back in your terminal:
/folder-name > nodemon